Questions, Comments and Suggestions.

this is where you can post your questions, comments and suggestions about this bribble.

let me know what i can do to make the bribble better. let me know what i should do to get more people. this is gonna be a bribble by you, for you. have fun with it. let me know [:



  2. someone loged in as me and ban me……

    when i logged it said i was ban and the secong time my comment said shit im gonna chuck when it wasnt that!!!!!

    i swear to god i didnt ban myself it was someone on my name!!!!! =(

    can someone plz unban me

  3. COMMENT, I WAS BAN *gasps from all round*

    even though im an angel *opera from nowhere*

  4. can we have a confessions page? Where you can tell secrets and stuff?

  5. u do kno this isnt a fluf blog right…….

  6. I’m banned and idk why..

  7. Unban me please, i got banned unfairly , Dark

  8. Please unban me

  9. nobody seems to update this blog 😦

  10. I was banned because i was having fun being another daytona..
    then somebody i think bugsy banned me….
    can somebody unban me plz????

  11. Im banned idk why unban me plzz

  12. heres a suggestion – FUCK OFF

  13. Heres my suggestion, i think Daytona and Sportsdude should be forced to wear a dress, then have a tea party.

    Why? Because I can!!!

  14. So biggy little or whoever that mod is made fun of me becuase i was an orphan, talked shit about my mom, and then banned me just becuase he was having a bad day. Sports dude saw it and so did some other people

  15. i am banned……is there a reason for that?

  16. Okay so it doest load for me…(at school) like the bar just keeps going and then it disapears and then im stuck at the PWNAGE screen….*sigh

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